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1. We get back in touch
A member of our team will quickly get back to you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.
2. Free site visit
If it will help decide on the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our team will make a free visit to your premises to assess your requirements.
3. Free quotation
We’ll send you a free quotation for the work, and because we always aim to beat other quotes, you can be sure it will be very competitive.
4. We carry out the work
We'll send an engineer to carry out the work as soon as we can. This will be very soon for maintenance and fire extinguishers, and a few weeks for full alarm systems.

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Protect Duty Compliance / Martyn’s Law

Stay on top of your duties under Martyn’s Law

  • 24/7 monitoring, 365 days a year
  • Immediate response in an emergency
  • Management across multiple sites
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Scutum London

Protect Duty Compliance / Martyn's Law

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Protect Duty and Martyn’s Law, is being introduced as a direct result of the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017, when 22 people attending a concert were killed by a terrorist bomb. The bill has been named after one of the victims of the bombing, Martyn Hett, whose mother Figen Murray has been one of the main driving forces behind its introduction.

It places an onus on those operating public venues and locations with a capacity of at least 100 (with further measures for those with a capacity of 800 or more) to consider and take appropriate steps to protect the public by making sure that they are prepared for and able to respond to a terrorist attack. That includes not just music and other performance venues, but also retail centres, sports stadiums, visitor attractions, beaches, open public spaces and, with limited exemptions, places of worship and educational establishments.

A draft bill was published by the government in May 2023, with Martyn’s Law expected to become law in early 2024.

What will be required by Martyn’s Law?

In order to meet Protect Duty compliance, organisations and venues with a 100+ capacity will need to carry out “appropriate and proportionate measures” such as free training, awareness raising and cascading of important information to relevant staff, together with a plan on how to react to an incident. Larger venues will also need to carry out a terrorism risk assessment to identify potential weak spots.

Each organisation will need to appoint a responsible person, who will ensure it is registered as a qualifying venue and organise appropriate training and emergency planning.

Smaller capacity venues that fail to comply with Martyn’s Law could be liable for fines of up to £10,000, while the larger venues could be subject to fines of up to £18 million or 5% of their qualifying worldwide income, whichever is greater.

In order to help our customers meet the requirements of Martyn’s Law, Scutum London can provide practical and fully customisable software solutions to put you in control – we can even pack them into a portable data centre for when you’re managing a situation away from your usual place of work.

Be ready to meet the requirements of Martyn’s Law compliance by getting in touch with the security experts at Scutum London today.

Our Process Secure your business premises in five simple step

  • Fill in our form

    Let us know how we can help you by telling us about the security services and products you’re interested in.

  • We get back in touch

    You’ll quickly get a call from one of our friendly team to find out more about your enquiry.

  • Free site visit

    To help determine the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our experienced team can carry out a free site visit to assess your premises and discuss your security needs in more detail.

  • Free quotation

    We’ll supply a free, detailed quotation for any work. To ensure you’re getting value, we always aim to beat any other quote.

  • We carry out the work

    Some services can be completed within a few days, but a full security installation may take anything from a few weeks to a month.

Elite Logo Sectors

Scutum London operate throughout London and the Home Counties, designing and installing fire protection and security systems at a wide range of business premises. Here are some of the sectors we cover:

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Fire Risk Assessments

Scutum London are fully trained in PAS79 (Publicly Available Specification for Fire Risk Assessment and its Methodology), ensuring your business is kept up to date with all regulations.

Fire Risk Assessments
Notifier Fire Alarm Systems

Security Site Survey

We provide a full security site survey and offer free expert advice and quotes.

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London School of Business & Finance Allianz Ensure Stephenson Hardwood
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