020 31241 632

Request a Quote Just fill in your details below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

What happens next?

1. We get back in touch
A member of our team will quickly get back to you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.
2. Free site visit
If it will help decide on the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our team will make a free visit to your premises to assess your requirements.
3. Free quotation
We’ll send you a free quotation for the work, and because we always aim to beat other quotes, you can be sure it will be very competitive.
4. We carry out the work
We'll send an engineer to carry out the work as soon as we can. This will be very soon for maintenance and fire extinguishers, and a few weeks for full alarm systems.

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Your local experts in security & fire safety for the retail sector

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shopping centre fire safety

Fire Protection & Business Security Systems in Retail

Working across London, Surrey and the rest of the South East, Scutum London has many years of experience when it comes to providing the best in security and fire safety services to the retail sector.

Fire Safety Services for the Retail Sector

Retail businesses can see large numbers of customers on a daily basis, with many stocking flammable goods in their stores and stockrooms. That means you need an effective means of preventing, detecting and controlling fires on your premises, and we’re experts in designing, installing and maintaining retail fire safety systems for the sector. 

With Scutum London, you get reliable retail fire protection and advanced office fire safety services and products that include:

Security Services & Systems for the Retail Sector

Your retail premises are likely to contain a large proportion – if not all – of your business’ assets, so making sure you have adequate protection is essential. We offer effective and reliable retail security systems that can both prevent and detect crime to ensure your business is being watched over 24/7.

Retail security services and products from Scutum London include:

Get in touch with the expert team at Scutum London today to find out more about our retail security and fire safety services in London, Surrey and the rest of the South East.

Clients we work with…

London School of Business & Finance Allianz Ensure Stephenson Hardwood
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