020 31241 632

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What happens next?

1. We get back in touch
A member of our team will quickly get back to you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.
2. Free site visit
If it will help decide on the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our team will make a free visit to your premises to assess your requirements.
3. Free quotation
We’ll send you a free quotation for the work, and because we always aim to beat other quotes, you can be sure it will be very competitive.
4. We carry out the work
We'll send an engineer to carry out the work as soon as we can. This will be very soon for maintenance and fire extinguishers, and a few weeks for full alarm systems.

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Sectors We Cover

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Scutum London

Sectors We Cover

Scutum London operates across London, Surrey and the South East, designing and installing fire alarm and security systems at a wide range of premises. Our team specialises in working across a number of sectors, including:


Commercial building sites contain multiple fire and security risks, and must be fully protected against the threats of fire, crime and vandalism. Scutum London is on hand to carry out comprehensive fire and security services at construction areas across the region.

Read more about our work in the construction sector

Data Centres

Increasing demand for data centres means more needs to be done to protect data. Scutum London specialises in security and fire safety systems, CCTV including analytics, door access, intruder alarms and training for IT managers.

Read more about our work in data centres


Scutum London can provide an array of fire safety equipment and training for educational facilities to help protect students, pupils and staff across multiple sites. We also specialise in supplying and installing effective security systems to guard against potential theft and vandalism.

Read more about our work in the education sector

Health & Facilities

In a sector that includes healthcare facilities, it is always prudent to pay careful attention to fire safety and the security of premises. Scutum London understands the sensitive nature of the health and facilities industry, allowing us to provide the best solution every time, which in turn helps you to better care for your patients, clients and residents.

Read more about our work in the health & facilities sector


All premises within the hospitality sector (hotels, restaurants etc.) require attention to detail when it comes to their security and fire safety, not only to protect themselves but also to ensure the safety of the large numbers of people likely to be entering the premises during trading hours. Scutum London has the experience and knowledge required to handle the diverse needs of this industry.

Read more about our work in the hospitality sector

Housing & Letting Agent Fire Protection

Fire safety for tenants is a strict legal requirement in the rental sector, while security is also an important consideration, especially in HMOs where there may be a regular turnaround of occupants. Scutum London can provide effective protection for properties for letting agents and landlords.

Read more about our work in the letting agent sector


Meeting the flexible requirements of manufacturing clients, Scutum London provides fire safety and security equipment and training to help minimise the risks of fire and crime, together with any downtime or loss which may occur as a result.

Read more about our work in the manufacturing sector


Whether for a single office space or over multiple sites, Scutum London has extensive experience in assisting with fire safety and security training, systems and equipment to keep your staff, visitors and property safe.

Read more about our work in offices


Shops and shopping centres welcome large numbers of people on a daily basis, so it’s essential that fire safety and security are up to scratch on these premises. Scutum London specialises in fire alarm and security systems for the retail sector.

Read more about our work in the retail sector


From airline facilities to the motoring industry, Scutum London fully understands and accommodates for the particular legalities and specifications of the transport sector.

Read more about our work in the transport sector

Clients we work with…

London School of Business & Finance Allianz Ensure Stephenson Hardwood
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