020 31241 632

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What happens next?

1. We get back in touch
A member of our team will quickly get back to you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.
2. Free site visit
If it will help decide on the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our team will make a free visit to your premises to assess your requirements.
3. Free quotation
We’ll send you a free quotation for the work, and because we always aim to beat other quotes, you can be sure it will be very competitive.
4. We carry out the work
We'll send an engineer to carry out the work as soon as we can. This will be very soon for maintenance and fire extinguishers, and a few weeks for full alarm systems.

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Aspirating Fire & Smoke Detection Systems

Cutting-edge smoke detection for your safety

  • All systems fully compliant with BS5839
  • Bespoke systems designed, installed & maintained
  • Free site survey & quote
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smoke detector

Aspirating Fire & Smoke Detection Systems

Aspirating smoke detectors operate by drawing air in through a network of pipes with holes strategically placed within them to allow air to be drawn through the pipe network. The pipes are connected to an aspirating device which houses a smoke detector that samples the air drawn through the pipe network for smoke particles.

Suitable applications for Aspirating Systems are:

Data or Comms Rooms – where very early detection of smoke is required to indicate potential problems with critical data servers.

High Level Warehouses – where warehouse heights make standard smoke detectors inoperable or maintenance of those detectors is not practical.

Cold Stores – where standard smoke detection would corrode or give false alarms due to water ingress.

Waste Sites – where dust particles would set off standard detectors or dirt may make them inoperable.

Private Houses – where discreet smoke detection is required.

FAAST Systems

Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology (FAAST) is at the forefront of safety equipment, providing advanced fire detection for all businesses.

As authorised distributors and design partners of FAAST systems by Notifier, Scutum London are expertly placed to provide installation and maintenance of these specialised smoke detection components to premises throughout London and the South East.

Intelligent FAAST equipment integrates directly with Notifier systems, helping to reduce installation time and allowing for simpler upkeep.

Read More about FAAST Systems

VESDA Systems

Scutum London provide high quality VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) as part of our aspirating systems range, offering sensitive and accurate fire detection for all businesses.

Our team are available to install VESDA systems, developed by industry leader Xtralis as one of the first air sampling-based detectors available commercially. Our expertise ensures highly effective smoke detection throughout your premises, utilising VESDA systems.

Read More about VESDA Systems

Stratos Systems

Scutum London’s fire safety equipment range includes aspirating detectors from the Stratos range.

The technology present in Stratos systems is renowned for providing highly sensitive smoke detection even in dusty and dirty places, making them ideal for factory premises and construction environments.

Our experienced team are on hand to provide advice and assistance as to how these high quality components can benefit your fire safety setup, supplying and installing systems throughout the South East.

Read More about Stratos Systems

Wagner Systems

Our range of aspirating smoke detection systems also provides Wagner products, utilising air sampling technology to identify the presence of fire within a commercial property.
Available for installation and upkeep of Wagner systems, the experts at Scutum London can provide advice as to the aspirating detection components most suited to your needs, whether your business operates within the retail and hospitality industries or construction, transportation and facilities management fields.

Read More about Wagner Systems

Get in touch with Scutum London today for further information regarding any of our aspirating systems.

Our Process Our five simple steps to fire safety:

  • Fill in our form

    Tell us about which of our many fire safety services you’re interested in finding out more about.

  • We get back in touch

    A member of our team will quickly get back to you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.

  • Free site visit

    If it will help decide on the best way to proceed with your enquiry, one of our team will make a free visit to your premises to assess your requirements.

  • Free quotation

    We’ll send you a free quotation for the work, and because we always aim to beat other quotes, you can be sure it will be very competitive.

  • We carry out the work

    We'll send an engineer to carry out the work as soon as we can. This will be very soon for maintenance and fire extinguishers, and a few weeks for full alarm systems.

Elite Logo Sectors

Scutum London operate throughout London and the Home Counties, designing and installing fire protection and security systems at a wide range of business premises. Here are some of the sectors we cover:

Find out more

Fire Risk Assessments

Scutum London are fully trained in PAS79 (Publicly Available Specification for Fire Risk Assessment and its Methodology), ensuring your business is kept up to date with all regulations.

Fire Risk Assessments
Notifier Fire Alarm Systems

Security Site Survey

We provide a full security site survey and offer free expert advice and quotes.

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Aspirating Fire & Smoke Detection Systems FAQs

In which areas does Scutum London provide aspirating fire and smoke detection systems?

Our aspirating fire and smoke detection systems are available to customers located across London, Surrey and the rest of the South East.

How do I know which fire alarm system is right for me?

We have a number of aspirating fire and smoke detection systems available, including FAAST, VESDA, Stratos and Wagner systems. Our expert engineers will be happy to make a free visit to your site and advise which would be the most suitable for your situation and budget.

Does Scutum London offer free consultations?

We do – whether you want some quick advice over the phone or a site survey and quotation, we provide free consultations so that you know you’re getting the right system before spending a penny.

Does Scutum London service/repair aspirating fire and smoke detection systems?

Yes – our team is fully trained in all aspects of aspirating fire and smoke detection systems and can carry out regular and one-off servicing and repairs as required.

Why do aspirating fire and smoke detection systems need to be serviced?

Regular servicing is a legal requirement for all fire detection and alarm systems installed in commercial premises. We would also recommend it as a means of checking that your system is working effectively.

What work does an engineer carry out on a visit?

When one of our engineers visits your premises to service your fire alarm system, they will check that all the elements are working effectively, test sound levels and keep an eye out for signs of wear and tear that indicate some form of repair or replacement of parts might be needed.

How disruptive is the process of getting aspirating fire and smoke detection systems installed?

How disruptive it will be to install one of our aspirating fire and smoke detection systems will depend on the layout of your premises, where detectors need to go and a number of other factors. Our engineer will be able to advise when they carry out your site survey, but we will always do everything we can to limit any disruption to your business.

Is Scutum London accredited for fire alarm installation?

At Scutum London, we are accredited for the installation and servicing of all kinds of fire safety systems and are members of a number of leading industry organisations, such as the British Fire Consortium, British Approvals for Fire Equipment (BAFE) and the Fire Industry Association (FIA).

Still have a question about Scutum London?

Call our team on 020 31241 632 or contact us online

Clients we work with…

London School of Business & Finance Allianz Ensure Stephenson Hardwood
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